See detailed Timetable
See program with a list of posters
Opening Address
Katsumi Kaneko, Shinshu University Japan
Keynote Lectures
Adsorption and diffusion in nanoporous materials: the view from the nanoscale
Benoit Coasne, University of Grenoble-Alpes, France
Combining multiple functions to achieve process intensification in adsorptive separations
Joeri Denayer, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Deformation Dynamics of Nanoporous Solids upon Liquid Imbibition
Patrick Huber, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany
Structure characterization-mediated designing of novel carbon-based nanostructured materials
Katsumi Kaneko, Shinshu University, Japan
Material discovery with physics and AI
Lev Sarkisov, University of Manchester, UK
Structural changes in ZIFs upon gas and liquid phase adsorption
Joaquin Silvestre-Albero, University of Alicante, Spain
Insights into Capillary Condensation and Hysteresis in Nanoporous Materials from New Simulation Methods
Randy Snurr, Northwestern University, USA
3-D Density Functional Theory to Describe Adsorption of Pure Substances and Their Mixtures on Crystalline and Amorphous Adsorbents
Fred Tavares, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Separation Performance of Zeolitic-Imidazolate-Framework-Based Membranes
Michael Tsapatsis, John Hopkins University, USA
Closing Remarks
Keith Gubbins, North Carolina State University, USA
Après CPM-9 Activity:
Anton Paar QuantaTec Barbecue Lunch and Facility Tour in Boynton Beach
Wednesday May 22, 2024, 1:30PM
Sign up by emailing Maritza Roman at Anton-Paar.
Transportation from the hotel after the CPM-9 closure at 1PM.
Oral Presentations
Poster Presentations
Keynote Speakers